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Sunday, March 24, 2013

3/24/2013 09:54:00 PM
Recipe for Success Make Your Goals Come to You 

Setting New Years resolutions, writing your 1 year, 5 year, 10 year goals, planning your future are all the ways we're told to "get what you want." But why do they so rarely come true and if they do, why do they take so much excruciating planning and so many "action steps"?

The problem isn't with the dreaming, it's with the lack of using our inborn guidance systems designed to create in our lives the things we now only dream of.

Any dream, any goal is a thought. And the source of all thought is in our minds - in our subconscious minds to be specific. That part of us which occupies approximately 88% of our brains is always active and observant. It's the place where we hold our wants, beliefs, habits, memories, and feelings. In order to change or create, we have to engage our subconscious minds. Think of the process of acquiring a goal or changing a behavior as a recipe - something that has steps and pieces - that used together will create just what you want.

Like a recipe, here are the ingredients that will make your goal, your dream, not only come true but come to you! What you need:

1. A clear statement (written down) as to what you want, stated in positive tense ("I will make $75,000 before December 31, 2013" or "I will weigh 130 pounds soon", or "I will have a happy, satisfied marriage").

2. Time to let yourself FEEL the emotion you'll have when you've achieved your goal. Really, a goal is just a desired feeling. Think of it. So practice the feeling you want.

3. A clear picture of yourself living and behaving as you will when you've achieved the goal (What will you DO with the money? How will you move at 130 pounds? How will you and your mate act being satisfied and happy?).

4. Time to rehearse - Moments each day when you run the picture of your dream in your mind and intensely feel it's emotion.

5. And letting go. In the meanwhile, you don't worry, you just let it go. Allow your subconscious to do it's work.

It's the subconscious that creates the mood of your day, notices the things you notice, and attracts the people and things to you to realize your dream. But it doesn't know where to go except the same old places unless you give it a destination. Show it. Create a picture for it. And it will take you there. Remember ALL great creations began simply in the mind. Yours can too.