Dearest Darling Friends,
In a meeting with 400 classy businessmen, I was asked, "How long should we chase success?"
I smiled and answered... "As long as you are having fun doing so." While there were many guffaws at my answer, the question kept on lingering for a longer time in my head.
I looked around at the dining table after the meeting and found many people who were highly successful but not necessarily having deep sleep and peaceful nights. It was certain they were enjoying some fruits of success, it was also clear, they were not enjoying the process.
While we live most of our life chasing whatever each one of us decide as success, is there something else that we need and do not see clearly? I wondered if there is a missing piece to life.
This is what my wandering mind led me to. The train of our life runs on two rails. One of them certainly is success for success makes us feel alive. Success makes us feel worthy. Success makes us feel a high. Success helps us to get many things we want. Success makes me look ahead to life.
There are a few things that success cannot give us. One of them is the reason for our discussion here. While success cannot give us love, health, true friends, and a few more important things, there is another very important thing that success cannot give us. That something is the second rail of our life. That is 'fulfillment'. That something is most crucial to live a complete life.
A combination of success and fulfillment is the best way to live life.
If you have both, congrats! You are a rare breed. You as an 'example', is what the world needs. Make yourself 'visible'. And yes, live enthusiastically. Nothing else will make you more visible than enthusiasm.
In case you have one of the two rails, get the missing one. In case you don't have both, start now with focus and determination.
"How to know if I am having both success and fulfillment?"
You make people get up and do something worthwhile with their life.
You make people believe they can do something wonderful.
You make people believe they are wonderful.
You make people believe it's their duty to do something for a greater cause.
Even in your absence, people feel your gracious presence.
If the above six statements is about you, then you are leaving a legacy that empowers people not only in the present but for times to come. And yes, it also means you are truly successful and live a fulfilled life.
While fulfillment is your reward for living a good life, your success will be the world's reward for having you.
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