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Sunday, March 24, 2013

3/24/2013 09:50:00 PM
Attract Good Luck in Your Life Easily  

It's said nothing worth having comes easy. That's not always true. Many fortunes in life are subjective, and good luck is often one of those things.

From shamrocks to Bonsai trees, some people think they can spend their way to bringing good luck in their lives. There's an easier way though. Instead of spending money on things, why not keep your cash? Spend time on you.

Follow these easy steps to attract the good luck you're looking for.

Be specific and detailed.What kind of luck do you want? Are you looking for luck in love, career or somewhere in particular? If so, make sure that you know exactly what you want to attract to you. The more specific you are, the more likely it is to happen.

Write it and speak it.The power of words is no fallacy. Words that are written and spoken have the power to either create or destroy. If you want to create good luck and attract it to you, write it on paper as specific and detailed as possible, then read it to yourself out loud.

Send it up and out.If you are someone who prays, read what you wrote to God too. This is your divine prayer, asking for what you need or desire. If you are someone who intends, then what you wrote is your intention. Send it out to the universe by reading the words aloud and response will come to you. Most people practice both intention and prayer, so do what feels most comfortable.

Let go and detach.Once you have sent your desires outward, there is no need to do it again. What is done is not forgotten and what is shown does not go unseen. Let go and know that you have been heard, detaching yourself fully from the how's and why's your good luck will finally happen. Those are up to a source much bigger, and you don't need to do that job.

Have faith and believe.This is the most important step, so pay close attention. You cannot attract anything into your life that you don't believe you deserve. If you want to attract good luck, then you must believe with all your heart that you deserve every good piece of luck coming your way, and you must maintain the faith that it will come at exactly the time it's supposed to. Squash any doubts immediately and return to your solid belief.

Take actions and create space.Once you've decided and sent it up and out, start taking at least one action daily that's consistent with the good luck you want. For example, if you want luck in money, start paying yourself every day by putting all your spare change in a money jar that you have personally made. This action sends the message that you are serious about wanting more money to come to you, and the jar you spent time making is the space you've created for more money to be. Your options here are endless. Do what feels right to you, daily.

Recognize negatives and transform them to good.As you are attracting good luck to you, remember that everything is not going to be good, and that bad things happen to everyone sometimes. This doesn't mean that your good luck isn't coming. It means that you are a normal human being. Use the energy that comes when not so great things happen, to turn them around and transform them into good. The more you practice, the better you'll get at it. Always remember, regardless of where it comes from, energy is like a log. Put it on the fire of your choice and watch it burn. Start a good luck fire for you.

Celebrate others' good luck and attract.Seek it out constantly, and feel true happiness when others experience good luck in their lives. The more you seek good luck out, the more evidence you'll have to support your faith and beliefs that it will happen for you. Think about how great those people must feel to receive such goodness, and let yourself feel those feelings too. The more supportive you are in the luck of others, the more supportive you become to yourself in your own creative process.

Practice these steps in a single aspect of your life in which you want to have good luck. If you're serious about putting them into action, you'll begin to see it building in short time. Seeing it will increase your confidence to start practicing the steps more and more. And after you know it, your faith in your own ability to create good luck in your life will be bold and unbreakable.

Open yourself up fully to it, believe in it with all your heart and welcome what you want into your life. Good luck to you!