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Sunday, March 24, 2013

3/24/2013 10:11:00 PM
Think Your Way to Success - Better Earnings With Better Thoughts   

Let us begin with a disclaimer: this article is not meant to be a definitive work on human thought, it's not the end all be all on the power of positive thinking, and it is not meant to be life-changing, in and of itself. The purpose of this piece is merely to introduce a concept that has been documented for over a century, and know by successful people, even if they didn't realize it, as long as there have been successful people.

And this concept, boiled down is simply that almost always, we get what we think we're going to get.

We live in a world where so much is going on, and almost all of it is beyond our ability to control. And if you really thought about it, even those things we think are under our power, probably aren't, at least not totally. That is something of a disconcerting thought, isn't it? The good news, however, is that there is one thing over which we have absolute power. One thing which no one or no thing can control unless we allow them or it. And this one thing is the thoughts we think in our own heads.

That's pretty much it, though. Even our own feelings are rarely under total control. And while our thoughts might seem insignificant in the grand scheme, they have tremendous power. And if we can learn to harness them, control them and direct them toward what we want, our thoughts can effect great change, not only in ourselves, but in the world around us.

But before we run off on a 5,000 word (that's all they'll let us write here) bit of philosophy, let's get back to the focus of this article. How can our own thoughts make us wealthy, bring us more customers, increase profits, and just make us more successful in business?

At the end of this piece, we'll recommend a few good books you might pick up on that subject. But let's start with this: the vibe. Have you ever just had a gut feeling, or heard someone say that another person or place gives them a good vibe or bad vibe? Well, in a way, that's our unconscious mind trying to tell us something. And you know what? That unconscious mind knows a lot of things we don't.

The funny thing is, our "gut feelings" are so often correct. Not always, because they can be effected, but a lot of times, you can rely on them. So how does this relate to business? Well, obviously, we want to put out a good vibe. We want people who talk to us, or visit our establishments to get a good feeling about us. And one of the best ways to do that is: we need to believe that we're worth it.

It's not just a matter of confidence, which is key, but more of a matter of controlling our thoughts and what we plug into our minds. For you see, it is really the unconscious, or sub-conscious as it's commonly called, mind that does the feeling and projecting of vibes. For example, if you tell yourself you're a winner and are good at your job, and of course, you are, then people will see you that way. It's weird, but we pick up on that stuff. Have you ever noticed that you might have gotten into a slump and nothing seems to be going right? And you keep saying, "Boy, no matter what I do, nothing is going right." And somehow, that's exactly what keeps happening?

And how do we get out of these slumps? By telling ourselves it's going to change, by programming our unconscious mind that we're winners, we're excited, we're moving ahead, and so forth. It's a funny thing about our brains. All the negative junk just goes right into that unconscious, and we have to keep hammering the positive stuff in, deliberately and repeatedly, and out loud, most of the time, for it to take hold and turn back outward again.

No one is sure why, but your inner perceptions do become other people's perceptions too. Ever notice how there might be an average looking man or woman, and you see them with a beautiful wife or hunky husband? Why is that? Because those so so people believe they are just as handsome and beautiful as their partners. It comes out, they exude it.

And this works in business too. When you believe you've got the Midas touch, eventually you will have it, and others will believe it too. It's a funny little dance, but one worth getting on the floor for. So let's try to get this back to making money once again. What are some things you can do to control your thoughts and direct them toward making money?

Set down a definitive goal

Yes, yes, you've heard it all before. Heard it from mom and dad, heard it from teachers, heard it from your boss, even heard it from your coach. Set a goal. While it's almost passé now, the goal setting idea is just as good as it's always been. But you see, we're not just talking about setting an ambiguous goal. You want to sit down and think about the next couple of months, the rest of the year, the next few years and even a lifetime. Create a clear definite aim. By doing this, and reading it over and over aloud, and every day if you have to, you are programming your unconscious mind to get in gear and get the wheels moving in order to make that happen.

Create a plan of action

Once you create and write down your goal or goals, create a decisive and time-sensitive plan of action to attain each and every one of these goals. Not only what you will do, but also write down what you will not do and what you are willing to sacrifice in order to get what you want.

And here is the beautiful part of this: the more you review your goals that you've written, the more creative your mind will get about giving you ideas on how to attain them. So once you write your plan, keep reviewing it and the goals and you will find that ideas will start to come to you out of nowhere that you may never even have thought about. It really does work. And it's not magic, it's just how the unconscious mind, which is our creative center, does its job.

Program your mind to think the way you want it to

Okay, here is one that can go a long way. You see, the unconscious mind does not differentiate between good thoughts and bad thoughts, truth or lies. Whatever you put in, you will get out. It's like planting a garden. If you put carrot seeds in the ground, you won't get a tomato plant. And so, with your unconscious mind, let's call it UM from now on so I can stop misspelling it, it will return what it's given.

Basically, if you want good stuff, put good stuff in. If you want bad stuff, keep believing the economy is bad and there's nothing you can do. Keep telling yourself that you're just not a good sales person. On the other hand, if you want great things, tell yourself how great you are. Even if it feels like a lie, do it anyway. Eventually, that UM of yours will convince YOU of what you are trying to convince IT of.

Well, we could go on and on, but this is a good start. If you do just those three things, you are so far ahead of most people, even other entrepreneurs, that you can achieve anything. It's just like Napoleon Hill used to say, "Anything your mind can conceive and believe, you can achieve." Profound words of wisdom there. It means that if you can come up with it, you can come up with a way to do it.

So if you are interested in learning more about this type of thing, how to think for success and other success concepts, we recommend you read "The Law of Success" By Napoleon Hill, who also wrote "Think And Grow Rich." Another great book is "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie. And if you are a Donald Trump fan, read any of his books. We're also very partial to Robert Kiyosaki and his Rich Dad series. Good luck and good thoughts!