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Thursday, April 4, 2013

4/04/2013 12:25:00 AM

Change My Life Please! I Need To Know My Life Purpose

How do I change my life? It is a question on many peoples minds these days. At my last speaking engagement I posed this question to the audience:
"How many of you feel like you are not where you thought you would be at this stage of your life?"
It shocked me to see 100% of the people put their hands up, yet not one of them had a plan to change that. It's a common thing I have been hearing from audience members and clients, "I'm not where I thought I would be at this stage of my life." Despite many books, tapes, workshops and the like on how to change your life and make it better, how to find your life purpose, how to find happiness... 100% of my audience still did not feel like they were at the stage of life they expected to me at and were dissatisfied with that. It is very common.
That is an indication that there are a number of areas of our life where we are out of alignment:
1. We are not following our Soul's Grand Plan for our life - our Mission Blueprint. This blueprint carries the highest and best outcomes and potentials for this life. It's a far grander plan than the one we plan (or don't plan) for ourselves.
When we are off track to that plan, our life may or may not turn out OK. We may or may not gain happiness or success. But when we are on that Mission Blueprint - we are guaranteed success, provided we keep following the clues our Soul guides us with; and in the places where we are given great choice, that we make our decisions from the wisest aspect of ourselves with our happiness in mind - not pleasing others to the detriment of our own lives.
2. We do not carry the vibrational energy of the life we desire. This is the secret that was left out of "The Secret." We need to be a vibrational match to that which we desire.
3. But here is the third reason why you would feel you hadn't arrived at your desired destination in life that is at the core of why the other two reasons would be occurring: This is the secret left out of the movie "The Secret" and much of the Law of Attraction work I see out there.
That secret is that our brains are simply not wired to the right set of beliefs that can hold that vibration in the first place or connect us to our Soul's Grand Plan for our life. We could have counter beliefs preventing that wiring from sticking. You need to have a Matrix of Magnetic Beliefs that not only help you hold the right vibration of that which you desire, but also that draws up from your subconscious mind, that which acts as a limiter or saboteur to what your true destiny in life is - and then transmute them so you have new wiring in your brain. If you want to change your life for the better, you are going to need to change your beliefs, change your vibration and change your path to get on track to your Soul's Grand Plan.
It surprises me how many people I talk to and consult with on their life purpose, who don't think life is about their happiness. That is a limiting belief. We need a mindset change to get us from where we are today to moving forward toward that grand life our Soul has planned for us. Theirs is not only just one answer to the issue of changing and transforming our lives. It is a holistic approach needed because we are holistic creatures with a complex mind, brain, emotional structure, vibrational energy field, societal demands and so on.
In answer to the request to Change My Life Please! - the first place to start to turn your life around is firstly to change your mind about the purpose of your life to one of happiness. It is part of your life purpose to be happy and to do what makes you happy - really happy. Secondly you need to find your life purpose, this is your reason for being here, because it's your life purpose that gives you the greatest happiness, fulfilment and success in life, once you've properly ascertained what the purpose is and how you monetize it correctly.
The world needs a lot more happy people in it right now, and happiness is only ever found by finding, following and fulfilling our life purpose. Our greatest potentials lie within our Soul's Grand Plan for our life which is the higher aspect of that purpose. So go forth and find and follow.